Holley McGhee
Speech-Language Pathologist
Courses Taught:
Speech-Language Therapy Pre K - 4th grade

My name is Holley McGhee and I am the Speech-Language Pathologist at Eclectic Elementary School. My husband and I grew up in Eclectic and both attended Eclectic Elementary school and graduated from Elmore County High School. I attended Auburn University and graduated with my Bachelor of Science Degree (Communication Disorders) in 2000. I was accepted to the master's program in Communication Disorders at Auburn University and graduated with a Master of Communication Disorders degree in 2003. I completed my clinical fellowship year (CFY) at Easter Seals in Montgomery, where I worked for 2 1/2 years. I was hired in Elmore County in 2005 as the Speech Language Pathologist in Eclectic and worked with students K-12th grade for three years. I now work with students Pre K-4th grade at Eclectic Elementary School. I have a license from the Alabama Board of Examiners for Speech Pathology and Audiology and maintain my Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology.
I currently live in Eclectic with my husband Jason and twin boys, Abe and Eli. I am so thankful and blessed to be able to work and raise my children in the community I grew up in. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, reading, and watching my boys play baseball.
Go Panthers!